Thursday, October 11, 2007


Isn't it awful how sometimes people can share something with us that brings them such great joy and we're not able to share their joy because somehow it brings up something in our own lives that causes us sadness. After my whole last post, I am disappointed in myself that just such a sharing actually made me break down in tears at work today. I strive constantly to be the person who can empathize and support my friends through thick and thin. But today I sunk to the lowest common denominator of feeling sorry for myself:
"Why not me?"
Such should be a weak and powerless thought; so why did its strength overpower me today?
Sigh ...


Joy Keaton said...

hey Mike, I'm Gary's BFF - hard to believe we've never met! I just wanted to commend you on your previous post and to offer a little 'chin up' on this one.

It sucks when you want to be happy for someone else but can't because of their happiness triggers something in you that is unfulfilled (so far!) BUT it is so human. Don't beat yourself up about it. All you can do is keep trying to be what you want to be. And of course, you no matter what, you are doing better than Britney. ;)

Gary said...

It seems that Joy has beat me to the punch here as I was going to write basically the same thing.

We have all been there. It is as Joy wrote "so human". It is not the fact that you were feeling what you felt but it is what you do after the fact. It is okay to be 'selfish' sometimes and any real friend would understand that. You are one of the most decent, loving men I know. That you even think like this is a testament to that.